Jesper Jorgensen is a Photographer based in Southern Germany and working everywhere.
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Growing up on a small island in Denmark Jesper always carried a camera with him. He noticed small details in peoples behavior and interactions. His work, then and now, is simply his way of capturing glimpses of this amazing world.

Jesper lived in San Francisco for 16 years, which he used as a base for traveling around the world. A trip to China in 1985, just after the country opened its borders to foreign travelers, left a lasting impression where he realiyed one does not need complex equipment to capture the art of the moment.

Today, along with traditional analog cameras and film, Jesper utilizes modern media. Analog forces one to slow down and doesn’t reveal the final outcome until the end of the process. Digital gear, besides giving instant feedback, also allows for economy of process. Jesper uses each for different states of mind.

Jesper S. Jorgensen received the international Olympus VisonAge award, his work was published in several Danish magazines and News Papers as well as the US “Work in Progress” magazine Summer 2021.